Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PSS26MSRSS Freezer Components

The most likely reason the evaporator coils are freezing up are because the=> WR51X10042 Defrost Heater is defective or burned out. Click here for your PSS26MSRSS=> for a photo location of the WR51X10042 Defrost Heater  in that photo location number 230 is the WR51X10042 Defrost Heater  While inside the evaporator compartment you should also change the=> WR50X10068 Defrost Thermostat and it is listed as location 240. Click here for the PSS26MSRSS Freezer Components locations. On both of these part pages are a movie tutorial of how to test and replace these parts. Here is another tutorial from You-Tube=> HERE  Hope this was helpful and should you have any questions I will be here to assist you., Thanks, Sea Breeze

Tuesday, September 6, 2011



Sunday, September 4, 2011


61005274 Dispenser Control Board